This brief time. When days and nights swirl into a dreamy haze. Are I think. My favorite.
HP5+2, Pentax 645n, Self Developed and Scanned
This brief time. When days and nights swirl into a dreamy haze. Are I think. My favorite.
HP5+2, Pentax 645n, Self Developed and Scanned
This camera. Every time I get scans back, I fall harder for it.
Committed myself to shooting and experimenting with film this summer. Allowed mistakes, lots of them.... ;)
Pentax 645 and Rolleiflex 2.8f | Portra 400, 160, Fuji 400H and Ektar
Nothing screams summer like a morning spent picking juicy strawberries right off the bush.
The Hudson River is our summertime pool. As soon as the temps rise, our feet house our favorite sandals, and off we go. While we have an awesome riverfront right down the street, Cold Spring is another favorite spot of ours to venture to. Because...well...they have a homemade ice cream joint that is hard to beat. :)
With the deliverance of warm weather and an enormous truck full of stone dust, the only thing that made sense was to strip 'em down and let 'er rip. :)
Childhood in its finest form.
We took ourselves a little time off from life, and simply enjoyed each other without a care in the world. For a whole week. And it. Was. Wonderful.
I also committed to only shooting film for the majority of our excursions ashore, except for well, these lovely snaps. :) The sunshine, warm temperatures and close quarters were welcomed with open arms and proved to be such medicine for our family. Let the travel bug strike again.
Time slows as winter arrives, as does our daily routine and rhythm of home. Daytime bath requests abound paired with a smiley yes. The film photographer side of me also enjoys these slower days, giving me time to pace myself and enjoy all things deliberate. Taken with a Polaroid 195, Fuji 3000b.
Featured on Wildlings Magazine.
So grateful to have been invited to participate in this project and to continue doing so. Getting in the frame with these little people of mine, one month at a time. Visit:
After last year's brutal winter here in New York, we here at the Skinner household have been bracing for impact for..... well.... a few months now. This past weekend's snow shower was perfect and excitedly welcomed by our kids. Pink cheeks, hot chocolate, pancakes for dinner and audio books. All. Weekend. Long. :)